Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Is safe from the Mexican drug cartel and the abduction October 8, Arizona?

by John

Question: I was on the Web a while back and discovered a Government BLM characters, read beware that the drug trafficking and abduction everywhere in this area suggest Hwy 8 go up and not unten.Ich can not remember the exact wording, but this is the jest.

A. von Marianne

Although we have never had a problem, these areas near the Mexican border can be a security risk.

Park Ranger told us that the most common concern particularly theft ? is camping supplies: tents, sleeping bags, jugs or anything that could help on the journey of a desperate illegal travel on foot. To prevent a problem It?s blocked a good idea to keep all items from the point of view entfernt.Je closer you are on the border, more reason to leave unattended to your car or RV.

The drug trade is another problem, and with him that place for themselves in the wrong risk of the search to the wrong Zeit.Aufgrund some people are now more hesitant in the free camping areas bearing these concerns. If you think You?ll you will be safer than you would a Boondocking community just because You?ve paid it a fee, That?s until you a campground.Personally, I Don?t see that the chance of a burglary of less on a pay campsite would be unless It?s barricaded a fortress.

Just my opinion: I?ve read There?s a symbiotic relationship between the ?coyotes? (pariahs to smuggle hundreds of dollars by the Mexican population you across the border take) and the management.It?s suggested that by a certain number of refugees slip through and caught a certain number, coyotes both the border patrol officers keep their jobs and their Einkommen.Kochen Doesn?t it always down to money somehow?

I believe that water and food along the popular diffuse routes should be discontinued.Besides saving life, would reduce robberies and burglaries it., No matter how you got there thirst on American soil should nobody werden.Obwohl die some individuals and groups It?s apparently against the law to these Mexicans in any way, including water, food or shelter you aid to you identity Don?t exist and be thirsty in the desert to die within the law perfectly ist.Hmmm.

But, that doesn't really answer your question, does it? I think really, everyone has everything for themselves even berücksichtigen.Ja, I agree, there is some risk of crime near the border to because this is the case where it desperate people sind.Ich think we all have to evaluate our own "fear factor" and go with what we feel comfortable mit.Ob, borders, cities, areas of poverty or natural disasters avoid is to carry country, rattlesnakes, mountain or four-lane highways.

~ Marianne